Maintaining a nutritious diet is as important as ever during the winter months, the body needs more vitamins and minerals to withstand the cold and fresh green vegetables offer a great option for staying healthy.
Vegetables are rich in vitamin C and other useful minerals that the body needs to fight off illnesses and maintain good health.
Vitamin C is mostly in fruits and vegetables, whereas vitamin E is more diversified, and is in seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruit, fish and a few other foods like peanut butter. The following lifestyles rob the body of nutrients:
g If your lifestyle includes smoking, alcohol, pollution, stress and fried foods, your vitamin C levels decrease.
g If you eat fried foods, take birth control pills or live or work in areas that have air pollution, your body will have a decrease in vitamin E. The body sends us signs to signal that we need these vitamins, signs and symptoms include; bruising easily, gums that bleed, joint pains or excessive hair loss, these are signs of vitamin C deficiency. Severe menstrual pains, fertility problems or lack of sex drive are signs of vitamin E deficiency.
Vitamin C combats stress from behind the scenes, knocking down the first sign of an infection. Utilisation is at an astonishing rate during times of stress. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, so it passes out of the body rapidly through urine. Therefore, vitamin C needs to be replaced daily. Vitamin C also has antihistamine and antioxidant actions to fight infection.
Vitamin E increases formation of blood vessels, assists in normalising blood viscosity and is important for cardiac cellular respiration. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant, which is essential for the absorption of iron. An easy way to replenish vitamins is to snack on raw sunflower seeds, peanuts, hazelnuts or almonds. Nuts that are cooked, salted and processed do not have the same benefit. Raw, unsalted nuts can be purchased at health food stores and have the highest vitamin content.
The vegetables that have the highest value of vitamin C are: peppers, cauliflower, watercress, tomatoes, cabbage, peas, broccoli, potato skin and spinach. Try eating them raw with a little ranch dip.
Foods Rich in Vitamin E
There are five categories of foods that rank high in vitamin E. Seeds and nuts are great on a salad or as a snack. Those that are rich in vitamin E include sunflower seeds, peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds. The second highest are vegetables, baking sweet potatoes or beans, and lightly steamed peas, spinach and broccoli. Only two fruits are high in vitamin E—kiwi and mango. Fish have the highest amount of vitamin E, especially sardines, tuna and salmon. Finally, a few other are foods peanut butter, wheat germ, unrefined corn oil and wheat germ oil.
Overcooking decreases the vitamin content in the foods. To receive the full benefit, eating raw fruits and vegetables is best. Fish is best steamed, poached or cooked in some way, never raw. Steam, simmer or boil vegetables in small amounts of water or microwave for a short time.
The importance of broccoli:
Broccoli is considered a super food, and not many foods can compete with its vitamin and mineral content. Broccoli is full of vitamins and other nutrients; 1 cup of broccoli has 2.4 g of fiber, which is more than some sources of whole-wheat bread. It has 43 mg of calcium, which is equal to a glass of milk. Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin K and C, and out of all produce, broccoli is the richest source of vitamin A.
The importance of a cabbage:
Cabbage helps to promote weight loss in some people. This is because of its content of Vitamin C, which helps burn fat, as well as of Vitamin B, which increases metabolism and thereby helps the body burn off fat. If one is looking for ingredients of a low calorie diet, cabbage is at the top of the list. One cup of cabbage only holds about 15 calories. It is definitely a weight-loss food. Vitamin A Content: Cabbage is a source of Vitamin A which your body needs for healthy skin and eyes. Due to its relatively high amount of Vitamin C, cabbage helps boost the immune system, as well as assisting in removing toxics from the body, and playing a role in burning fat.
Cabbage contains vitamin E which is known for keeping the skin healthy, as well as for assisting oxygen uptake of the blood cells. Having sufficient amounts of Vitamin E in one's body helps to reduce acne. Cabbage contains vitamin B: An essential vitamin for your nerve system, also known to assist in reducing stress and in boosting metabolism. Drinking juiced cabbage is known to assist in curing stomach and intestinal ulcers. Cabbage contains quantities of fibre and iron, which help to keep the digestive tract and colon in a healthy condition.
You need Brussels sprouts in winter
Brussels sprouts are small leafy green buds resemble like miniature cabbages in appearance. The buds are exceptionally rich in protein, dietary fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which work wonders to get rid of many health troubles. The sprouts are one of the nutritious vegetables that should be considered in weight reduction programs.100 g Brussels sprouts provide just 45 calories, however, contain 3.38 g of protein, 3.80 g of dietary fiber (10% of RDA) and zero cholesterol. They offer protection from prostate, colon, prostate and endometrial cancers. They have been found to be an effective immune modulator, anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent, an excellent source of vitamin C; vitamin A and E; it protects body by trapping harmful free radicals. Brussel sprouts are an excellent vegetable sources for vitamin K which has the potential for bone formation and strengthening activity. The sprouts are notably good in many B-complex group of vitamins such as niacin, vitamin B-6 thiamin, and pantothenic acid essential for enhancing metabolism in the body. They are also rich, source of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure by countering effects of sodium.
Onions are important in winter:
Onions are so commonplace in today's society that we tend to forget their importance and the variety of uses they have. They are valuable culinary vegetables, and also have medicinal value. The colour of an onion gives you some insight into it's properties. The white onions are the strongest, followed by yellow, with red or purple being the mildest-flavoured types.
Onions have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and a paste or ointment made out of onion is said to prevent infection in wounds and burns. Another use externally for age spots, warts, or freckles is to mix onion juice with vinegar and rub on the affected areas. An onion tea can be made and used daily, the prudent thing for blood pressure and high cholesterol is probably to just include onions in your diet at every opportunity.
Onion is said to liquefy phelgm and prevents its further formation. It has been used as a food remedy for centuries in cold, cough, bronchitis and influenza. Equal amounts of onion juice and honey should be mixed and three to four teaspoon of this mixture should be taken daily in these conditions.
Consuming one raw onion every day by thorough mastication protects a person from a host of tooth disorders. The Russian Doctor, B.P. Tohkin has expressed the opinion that chewing raw onion for three minutes is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth. Toothache is often allayed by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum.
Onions are noted for their easily assimilate iron content. They are, therefore, beneficial in the treatment of anemia. Recent researches in the West have established onion as an effective preventive food item against heart attack. Dr. N.N. Gupta of the K.G. Medical College, Lucknow, in 1966, and a panel of doctors in England in 1968 have stated that onion has been found helpful and beneficial in diseases of the heart. The onion is very valuable in heart diseases as they correct thrombosis and also reduce blood cholesterol.
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