Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Alternatively Speaking: For a healthier new year

Q. Every Rosh Hashana, I place the head
of a fish on our table during mealtimes. What are the main health
benefits of fish, and are some better than others?

Fish contains several essential vitamins and minerals and is indeed a
wonderful source of protein and saturated fat. The omega-3 fatty acids
are the main healthy nutrient in fish and are a form of unsaturated fat
which are used for brain function. They also lower blood pressure,
reduce blood clotting, reduce inflammation and boost immunity.

best sources of omega 3 are usually found in saltwater fish such as
salmon, tuna and anchovies. The other important nutrient in fish is
Vitamin D. Vitamin D is one of the 13 essential vitamins we need to
absorb calcium and to maintain healthy teeth and bones. All the
varieties of salmon are among the healthiest fish to eat. A 85 gram
serving provides 1.1 g to 1.9 g of omega-3 fatty acids and contains only
0.01 parts per million of mercury. Salmon also provides up to 24
percent of our daily recommended value of calcium. It is also an
excellent source of niacin, also known as Vitamin B-3, and Vitamin B-12,
which supports healthy red blood cells.

Another one of the
healthiest fish to eat is flat fish (Flounder). An 85 gram serving
provides 0.48 g of omega-3 fatty acid with only 0.05 parts per million
of mercury. It is an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus and also
contains essential vitamins including niacin, Vitamin B-12 and Vitamin

Click for more JPost High Holy Day features

Dear Natalie, I get so stressed right before the High Holiday season
because of all there is to do; shopping, cooking, entertaining etc. Can
you recommend any herbal remedies to help reduce my stress levels?

A. Stress
is a normal and usually anticipated part of preparing for the High Holy
Days. It can have its benefits in motivating and keeping us focused,
however when it becomes too much and begins to affect our health it is
time to bring out the healing herbs.

Lavender not only produces a
beautiful fragrance, it is also used as a medicinal herb. I prescribe
lavender essential oil for stress, anxiety and insomnia in the days
leading up to the holidays. You can either burn the oil to enjoy its
relaxing benefits or it can be used in a tea. Make the tea using dried
flowers and not the oil. Do not use lavender if you are pregnant or

Lemon balm is another herb famously known to have
calming properties. Lemon balm is a member of the mint family of plants
and works by enhancing a feeling of calm and reducing the symptoms of
anxiety. To make lemon balm tea steep 1 teaspoon of dried herb in hot
water. You can drink the tea several times daily. It is also an
excellent aid for indigestion – another good reason to have some
available during the festival.

Lastly I recommend sipping a cup
of valerian tea to help relax and alleviate stress. University of
Maryland Medical Center researchers proved that valerian increases the
amount of gamma amino butyric acid in the brain which regulates the
nerves and has a calming effect. Boil one cup of water and pour it over 1
teaspoon of dried valerian root. Do not drive or engage in potentially
dangerous activities after drinking valerian tea.

Dear Natalie, in keeping with the custom of eating a new fruit on Rosh
Hashana, I have decided to try the Dragon Fruit. Can you tell me about
its health benefits?

A. Dragon
fruit (pitaya fruit), is a wonderful, brightly colored fruit that can
be eaten fresh or dried. Dragon fruits are an excellent source of
Vitamin C, an antioxidant which protects our cell membranes and other
tissues from free radical damage. Its high Vitamin C content also aids
the healing of cuts and bruises whilst boosting the immune system.
Dragon fruit also contains Vitamins B-1, B-2 and B-3.

B-1 is essential for energy production and in the metabolism of
carbohydrates, while Vitamin B-2 helps improves appetite. Vitamin B-3
content reduces cholesterol and is great for moisturizing the skin.

fruit is high in fiber content and can be used as a natural laxative to
treat constipation. When eaten after a heavy meal, the fiber in dragon
fruit helps control blood sugar levels by slowing the sugar’s
absorption. Due to its high source of calcium and phosphorus this fruit
is also good for strengthening bones and teeth and forming new tissues. 
Dragon fruit also helps neutralize and excrete heavy-metal toxins.
Overall dragon fruit is a great choice of new fruit for a healthy new

column is brought to you as general information only and unless stated
otherwise is not medical advice nor is it based on medical experiments.
This column is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for
specific medical conditions. For more information about specific
problems, please contact a doctor.

runs a clinic both in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem offering a wide range of
natural treatment, including a women's clinic every Wednesday. Healing
is achieved using homeopathy, reflexology, massage, flower remedies and
nutritional wisdom.

To make an appointment please email nateopath@gmail.com.

Ask Natalie: If you have a health query and would like an alternative answer then email Natalie  with your question at nateopath@gmail.com.

Someone Once Said: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"  – Hippocrates

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