Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Super Foods To Help Get You In Shape

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — When it comes to foods, not all of them are created equal. That's true even with healthy foods.

There are a few that stand out above the rest when it comes to getting or staying in shape. Kim Coventry (a.k.a. Fit Kim) went over some "fit foods" with WCCO.

"When it comes to working out and losing weight, people don't realize that 80 percent of it comes from your nutrition," said Coventry.

Coventry said the first one is omega 3 fatty acids, adding "your largest fuel source is fat."

Three great sources for the omega 3 fatty acids are walnuts, sard and goji, which are also great for gaining energy and endurance during your workouts.

"And Goji is a happy berry. If you're not too excited to workout, take a shot of this," she said.

Goji juice gives you energy and can help curb night cravings if you have a sweet tooth and want chocolate.

Next up is protein.

"To build lean muscle mass, you have to have protein. The more muscle you have in your body, the more calories you burn at rest," said Coventry.

Another power food to consider: chia seeds.

"The reason I love them is that is that chia means strength. It has 4 grams of protein per ounce, so ounce for ounce it has more protein than eggs," she said. "One serving, or ounce, has 11 grams of fiber. And you need the fiber. On average we are getting about half of what we should get. … The fiber is going to eliminate and get rid of toxins and help you lose weight."

Coventry said consider sprinkling the seeds on your oatmeal or putting them in your smoothies. They can also be made into a pudding if you mix them with water and juice.

Another comestible you shouldn't skimp on is vitamin B.

"A lot of people don't know this. You need B vitamins to convert your food to fuel. And your body doesn't make them. You have to get them from food. So this is a critical component to have a high metabolism or lose weight."

Brown Rice, oysters and acai berry juice are all rich in vitamin B. One serving of the juice has 1,000 percent of your daily B vitamins in it.

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